Loony tunes do not successfully litigate against corporate polluters, win huge judgements against pharmaceutical companies, demonstrate obvious physical fitness at 70, speak compellingly to a crowd of adoring millions in Europe about freedom of speech, and write books filled with mind-boggling amounts of detailed legal research. Your assessment of Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. was obviously made in absence of hard cold facts. Anyone who examines the intellectual output and community service of RFK, Jr. with an objective mind can see on contact that here is a person of substance. I recommend to you the speech he made upon announcing his candidacy for U.S. president. A more eloquent articulation of Constitutional principles was never made. For you to denigrate him without having examined this content is unfair.
RFK Jr is a loony toon just like the one who nominated him. To call him a white knight makes me wonder if a worm got into your brain, too.
Loony tunes do not successfully litigate against corporate polluters, win huge judgements against pharmaceutical companies, demonstrate obvious physical fitness at 70, speak compellingly to a crowd of adoring millions in Europe about freedom of speech, and write books filled with mind-boggling amounts of detailed legal research. Your assessment of Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. was obviously made in absence of hard cold facts. Anyone who examines the intellectual output and community service of RFK, Jr. with an objective mind can see on contact that here is a person of substance. I recommend to you the speech he made upon announcing his candidacy for U.S. president. A more eloquent articulation of Constitutional principles was never made. For you to denigrate him without having examined this content is unfair.