The Knight In Battle: Kennedy vs Pharma
Astrologer Maureen Richmond, Ph.D.
Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. needs little or no introduction. For those concerned with securing patient rights, ensuring informed consent for medical interventions, preserving freedom of speech, and protecting the public from environmental and pharmaceutical toxicities, Kennedy rates right up there with the gods. However, as a member of what might be considered American royalty, Kennedy might be better characterized as a knight.
The Astrology of World Events has carried an essay on the chivalric charisma of RFK, Jr., writing in April 2023 that Kennedy is “a true Knight in Shining Armor who has ridden out on the jousting field to punch a black eye in government corruption and so restore the faith of the people in their American institutions.“ See here for details.
In January of 2025, Kennedy was back in the jousting paddock, valiantly charging against the invisible influence of pharma during his confirmation hearings for the post of Secretary of Health and Human Services in the Trump Administration. The Secretary of Health and Human Services oversees the FDA, NIH, and CDC, all of which agencies were major allies of pharma in the covid crisis. All three helped pharma score billions, allowed the unsuspecting public to be injected with questionable substances, and denied the American public other effective but inexpensive treatments.
Opposed to the capture of regulatory agencies by the very industries these agencies are tasked to regulate, Kennedy was a vocal critic of actions taken by all three agencies during and after covid. Now, he stands to command and control the very agencies with which he so staunchly differed and which took such liberties with taxpayer funds and human bodies. The potential for poetic justice is large, to say the least. However, after the mockery and denigration aimed at Kennedy by Democrat senators during confirmation hearings in late January 2025, the big question is whether Kennedy will survive the confirmation process and rise to take the helm at Health and Human Services.
Kennedy is a Sun sign Capricorn born on January 17, 1954 in Washington, D.C. A birth time of 5:32 pm EST is currently in use by the astrological community. Though this birth time has not been independently verified, it may be used on a provisional basis.
With the data provided, the chart calculated in the Tropical Zodiac and Placidus House System shows that Kennedy has the Moon in caring Cancer, Mars and Saturn in resilient Scorpio, and Ascendant in leadership Leo to go along with his pragmatic Capricorn Sun. Capricorn in fact constitutes a major influence in the RFK Jr. astrological birth chart, with the lunar north node, Venus, Sun, and Mercury positioned in that sign.
It is this tough-minded, disciplined, and stately Capricornian stellium which may very well provide the key to Kennedy’s coming success in both securing the confirmation and in confronting corruption in regulatory agencies and the pharmaceutical industry. The reason is that Kennedy’s natal Capricorn placements are positioned perfectly to benefit from the upcoming zodiacal movements of nebulous Neptune, purveyor of magical advantage and spiritual protection.
Transiting Neptune in Pisces makes a sextile to Kennedy’s natal Sun and Mercury in late Capricorn January 2025 - June 2025, and then does so again November 2025 – January 2026. This transiting aspect indicates that Kennedy is in a period in which large cultural forces support and advance his personal goals, making it possible for him to create structures and frameworks (Capricorn) designed to address the sufferings and difficulties of the masses (Pisces). His intuition is also strengthened under this influence, helping him to navigate troubled waters in the political sphere. In plain language, it can be said that the sextiles of transiting Neptune to the Capricornian placements in the RFK Jr. chart show that an opportunity to live his ideals is coming, favor is with him, and it is more than possible for him to achieve his objectives.
Transiting Uranus also favors Kennedy in 2025 and 2026. Although transiting Uranus is currently square to Kennedy’s natal Pluto and is consequently drawing him into intensely competitive and turbulent atmospheres, by late February 2025 this will begin to change. Transiting Uranus in steady, stolid Taurus trines Kennedy’s lunar north node, Venus, Sun, and Mercury in success-oriented and governmental Capricorn February 2025 – June 2025, and then again November 2025 – April 2026. This transit indicates that Kennedy will have the financial and business support to do whatever he feels is right and necessary. The freedom to implement his ideas and the means to do so are likely to combine into a rousing success.
Then there’s transiting Saturn. Now in mid-Pisces and painfully squaring Kennedy’s natal Jupiter position, transiting Saturn will soon move on in the zodiac to late Pisces, making a series of supportive aspects to Kennedy’s natal placements. Transiting Saturn will trine his natal Mars, Uranus, and lunar south node, and at the same time sextile his natal north node, Venus, Sun, and Mercury in the period late January 2025 – late May 2025. The same arrangement repeats in September 2025 – February 2026. Saturn in trine and sextile to important placements in the Kennedy chart off and on for essentially an entire year from early 2025 through early 2026 strongly suggests success in all endeavors, especially those which blend a strong sense of responsibility (Saturn) with the power of compassion (Pisces).
The trouble of the moment comes from the presence of transiting Mars (in retrograde motion, no less) in Kennedy’s putative 12th house, a position of vulnerability and disadvantage in the astrological chart. However, this influence is not permanent. By late April 2025, transiting Mars will move out of the region of the zodiac corresponding to the 12th house in the Kennedy chart. Transiting Mars will arrive at Kennedy’s putative Ascendant in late April, making for a period of vigorous debate and pursuit of controversial issues. Further, Kennedy will experience a Jupiter return in the first half of April 2025, raising his hopes, aspirations, and opportunities to greater levels.
If the 5:32 pm birth time is correct, then transiting Pluto is dramatically in the picture as well, reaching 2 degrees of Aquarius and the Kennedy Descendant just at the time of the confirmation hearings and consequent controversies. Transiting Pluto at Kennedy’s Descendant clearly indicates confrontations with nefarious forces in the form of entrenched business interests. This influence will remain in the picture through December 2025, showing that Kennedy will be deeply engaged in directly challenging powerful forces which operate from a hidden position.
By February 6, 2025, however, transiting Saturn will enter Kennedy’s putative 9th house, from there to begin its trines and sextiles to natal placements. Given that the 9th house concerns law, legal theory, and legal process, trines from Saturn in that house strongly suggest Kennedy will be able to successfully bring suit against any number of corporate and governmental miscreants.
The bottom line is as follows. Though Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. is under fire resulting from a couple of clunker transits (most notably, transiting Uranus square natal Pluto and retrograde Mars in the 12th house opposing his Capricorn stellium), in the not too distant future, the Knight in Shining Armor will find his sword light and responsive, his thrust and parry well placed, and his standard held proudly high over the heads of the crowd.
This is true whether the birth time currently in use is correct or not, for estimated positions for the planets can be determined with simply the day, month, and year of birth. The big trends are there in any case.
In other words, the astrology says Kennedy is likely to be confirmed as Secretary of Health and Human Services, and what is equally important, the astrology strongly suggests this Knight in Shining Armor will ride on to fearlessly confront the favoritism and skewed science lying at the hearts of FDA, CDC, NIH, and indeed the entire pharmaceutical industry. It will not be an easy ride with Pluto in the 7th house as the putative birth time would suggest, but the Knight in Shining Armor is a tough Capricorn with Mars and Saturn in determined Scorpio. He is more than equal to the challenge.
RFK Jr is a loony toon just like the one who nominated him. To call him a white knight makes me wonder if a worm got into your brain, too.