Knight in Shining Armor: Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.
Astrologer Maureen Richmond, Ph.D.
The American political scene took a shock when the principled Capricornian, Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., formally filed to enter the 2024 Democratic presidential primary on April 5, 2023. The American political scene was further set reeling when Kennedy articulated his reasons for running at his campaign kick-off on April 19, 2023. Astute observers have opined that never in recent history has there been such an informed, intelligent, and eloquent political candidate on the presidential stage. To find an equivalent figure, memory must search back to the days of the mid-twentieth century when RFK Jr.’s uncle, President John Fitzgerald Kennedy, undertook his ambitious program to unravel the machinations of the CIA and vitiate the military-industrial complex.
It turns out the twenty-first century Kennedy is the same sort of man, a true Knight in Shining Armor who has ridden out to the jousting field to punch a black eye in government corruption and so restore the faith of the people in their American institutions. RFK Jr. has said as much, harping passionately on this theme at his campaign kick-off on April 19 in Boston, home of the American Revolution. Even observers from the conservative side of the aisle have admitted they were favorably touched by RFK Jr.’s inspired rhetoric. He reminded the American nation of its founding and the essential values built into the Constitution. There was no petty political back-biting. RFK Jr. stood as an exemplary American citizen calling the nation to its best qualities.
No matter how stirring the speech, some say, Kennedy is nothing but a misguided outlier who has not a snowball’s chance in hell in the vicious party-controlled primary process.
What says the astrology?
The astrology says: Not so fast, buddy.
In fact, the astrology says the confident dismissal of Kennedy’s candidacy is not so sure a proposition as it might look.
What’s the astrology behind the man? RFK Jr. is a Sun sign Capricorn with the Moon in early Cancer, born on January 17, 1954. Since no birth time is presently circulating within the world astrological community, a look at Kennedy’s Sun, Moon, planetary, and nodal placements must suffice. Once these are understood, together with the relevant current and future transits, the energies motivating Kennedy will stand revealed. Further, as will be shown, it is not without meaning that Kennedy’s astrology has strong ties to the natal chart of the American nation.
Robert Francis Kennedy, Jr. January 17, 1954
Sun 27 degrees Capricorn
Moon early Cancer
Mercury 29 degrees Capricorn
Venus 24 degrees Capricorn
Mars 17 degrees Scorpio
Jupiter 17 degrees Gemini retrograde
Saturn 9 degrees Scorpio
Uranus 21 degrees Cancer retrograde
Neptune 26 degrees Libra
Pluto 24 degrees Leo retrograde
Lunar Nodes 24 degrees Capricorn/Cancer
The first and most obvious feature to note about Kennedy’s astrology is his powerful stellium in Capricorn, with the lunar north node, Venus, the Sun and Mercury located 24 – 29 degrees of that sign. This creates a driving impetus emanating from the ambitious, goal-oriented, on-task, hard-working Mountain Goat. Accordingly, Kennedy has been a tireless researcher and unfailing advocate for environmental protection, carrying out field observations in rugged territory and doggedly spearheading litigation in the cause of maintaining ecological balance and water quality. Likewise, he has been an unfailing advocate for those who least can defend themselves – child medical patients under the merciless gun of the pharmaceutical juggernaut, which commands endless injections of their profitable products.
In the face of all this, Kennedy has demonstrated the relentless resolve and determination of Capricorn, an earth sign known for its stoic refusal to accept defeat. His own disability in the form of a problematic condition of the larynx has not stopped him. Although he sometimes struggles to make himself heard, Kennedy has distinguished himself as a polished orator who captures audiences with his stunning grasp of American and world history, politics, science, and human psychology, speaking easily and professionally without notes or a teleprompter. That’s his Sun-Mercury conjunction at work.
Kennedy’s Moon sign is likewise discernible in his life’s work. Positioned in the sign of Cancer, Kennedy’s Moon connects to the issues of family, kith and kin, infancy, childhood, parenting, home, place, and national tradition. As a defender of children’s medical rights, Kennedy is enacting his Cancerian Moon, which links him to the gestational phase and the raising of children. Kennedy himself has six.
He was born at Full Moon, with Sun in Capricorn and Moon still waxing in early Cancer. Full Moon personalities often rise to prominence in their communities.
In Kennedy’s case, the Sun-Moon polarity is important not only at the personal level, but also at the national level, for Capricorn and Cancer are prominently represented in the July 4, 1776 geniture of the American nature. In that chart, the Sun is positioned at 13 Cancer, with Venus, Jupiter, and Mercury positioned nearby at 2, 6, and 24 degrees of Cancer respectively. Kennedy’s Moon is located in early Cancer, smack dab in the middle of the Venus-Jupiter-Sun stellium of the U.S., if the Declaration of Independence chart is used.
Further, in the Declaration of Independence chart, Pluto is located at 28 degrees of Capricorn. As is apparent, Kennedy’s Sun at 27 degrees Capricorn is tightly conjunct the Pluto of the American nation chart. Also conjunct the U.S. Pluto (though a bit more widely) are Kennedy’s lunar north node and Venus. His own Mercury is but one degree from exact conjunction to the U.S. Pluto. Kennedy’s Jupiter at 17 Gemini is only 4 degrees from exact conjunction to the U.S. Mars at 21 Gemini. The chart of Robert F. Kennedy Jr. is thus tied up like a bow to the destiny of the American nation.
Note that Kennedy wants to fight the power of the intelligence and spying arm of the U.S. government. Espionage, infiltration, and coercion are all Pluto-ruled matters. Kennedy’s Sun smack on the national Pluto surely brings that whole complex of issues into focus. The U.S. itself is profoundly given to subterfuge, misdirection, and general sneakiness, for the nation has retrograde Mercury at 24 Cancer opposite retrograde Pluto at 27 Capricorn.
The American nation was born in dire conditions of life-or-death secrecy and came to existence only through stealth and brute covert action. That fact is written not only in the history of the American Revolution, but also in the Independence Day chart in the form of the Mercury-Pluto opposition. After all, Mercury is communication and Pluto is concealment. When these two interact by opposition, a mighty conflict between the free flow of information and the tight control of that information ensues.
As time has unfolded, the potency of the Mercury-Pluto opposition in the chart of the U.S. has only increased. The U.S. now has an inestimably powerful intelligence arm which threatens to strangle all other branches of government. Kennedy has stated he wants to confront this problem head-on. Interestingly, this comes as the U.S. undergoes its Pluto return from February 2022 through December 2023. Under this Pluto return, the U.S. is challenged to collapse under the weight of its own mendacity or rise like a phoenix from its own ashes as a nation purged and reborn.
This is where Kennedy comes in. He has seen the enemy and they are not us, the citizens of the nation. The enemy is instead the belief that corporate and privileged interests have the right to wield the levers of government from behind the scenes and not in the full daylight of public awareness. Kennedy has openly stated that his intention as president is to end the capture of regulatory agencies by the industries they are supposed to regulate. Boom! Black eye to the background controlling interests. Kennedy has likewise said he intends to end the secretive control of the intelligence agencies over American political affairs. Boom again.
Many already fear for Kennedy’s safety, concerned he may be downed just as were his uncle and father before him by shadowy forces operating from within powerful government agencies. Kennedy already knows this. He’s stepped forward as the Knight in Shining Armor of the moment anyway.
Here’s the good news. Kennedy has significant astrological support in the period June 2023 through January 2026, quite very possibly enough to power him right into the path he desires to travel for his contribution to the U.S. national psyche. In other words, he’s got wind under his wings. Transiting Neptune will sextile all the elements of his Capricorn stellium from April 2022 through January 2026. Uranus will do similarly, making a sextile from Taurus to his natal Uranus in Cancer, and then trines to his natal stellium in Capricorn from June 2023 through April 2026. Even Saturn gets in on the act, making harmonious aspects from Pisces to his Cancer, Scorpio, and Capricorn placements from March 2023 through February 2026. Finally, Jupiter throws in its support in May 2024, just in time for certain of the state primaries. All told, it may be enough to secure Kennedy a spot on some ticket. Will it be the Democratic ticket? Maybe not. But the astrology suggests that Kennedy is far from a slam-dunk loser in this presidential election cycle.
Currently, transiting Uranus opposes Kennedy’s Mars. Clearly, this is what has galvanized and catapulted him onto the national political scene. While the primaries rage in very early 2024, transiting Jupiter will oppose his Saturn and his Mars, showing the tensions (financial, ethical, and physical) which inevitably come with the campaign trail.
Further, Kennedy has been under the compelling grip of a Pluto transit himself, as Pluto has passed over his Capricorn stellium degrees since February of 2020 and will continue to do so until November of 2024. This has been the period during which RFK Jr. has emerged as a powerful voice questioning and exposing the abject corruption infusing American public health policy. Clearly, this transit of Pluto has stirred up the formidable moral strength in RFK Jr., for it was during this time that he wrote the history-changing book, The Real Anthony Fauci, which exposed the horrors of inhumane policies pursued by the head of the National Institutes of Health for decades.
RFK Jr. is far from done. With the notable astrological support coming into his chart in mid-2023 and lasting through early 2026, he could easily be a realistic contender for the U.S. presidential nomination on some ticket, for such transit conditions offer Kennedy a definite opportunity to accomplish the objectives for which he came into incarnation. Don’t count this Knight in Shining Armor out just yet. He’s not done with his day on the jousting field at all.