Many thanks. Please check in from time to time to see the newest posts. Also you might like the more than 50 reports in my section titled Alien Astrologer, which looks at the astrological factors in effect during mass and group ufo sightings.
I agree that there will be changes in how victimhood is handled when Neptune moves from Pisces to Aries, although I don't think the lure of victimhood will go away entirely. I think we will just reshuffle which wounds we validate and which wounds we ignore.
Yes, there will be indeed such changes in the view of the victim role. Wherever Neptune is by sign, the collective mind idealizes the indicated role. With Neptune in Aries, the collective mind will idealize self-reliance, spunk, and victorious overcoming of obstacles. It will be a real sea change. Of course, every transit is valuable, so there was much to learn under Pisces - especially about the power of the subconscious. And, as we know, Neptune will go back and forth between Pisces and Aries for a while, returning us to the Pisces lesson before finally launching us into the Aries lesson for 14 years straight. So we will have a mix for a while.
Thanks for all this. Very informative. As we've studied astrology around the same time frame, it resonates with me.
That’s great news, Barbara. Thank you so much for letting me know. So glad the concepts speak to you. Please comment any time you like.
This is wonderful. Great points.
Many thanks. Please check in from time to time to see the newest posts. Also you might like the more than 50 reports in my section titled Alien Astrologer, which looks at the astrological factors in effect during mass and group ufo sightings.
Thank you, Alex, for your encouraging words. Please continue to comment whenever you like.
I agree that there will be changes in how victimhood is handled when Neptune moves from Pisces to Aries, although I don't think the lure of victimhood will go away entirely. I think we will just reshuffle which wounds we validate and which wounds we ignore.
Yes, there will be indeed such changes in the view of the victim role. Wherever Neptune is by sign, the collective mind idealizes the indicated role. With Neptune in Aries, the collective mind will idealize self-reliance, spunk, and victorious overcoming of obstacles. It will be a real sea change. Of course, every transit is valuable, so there was much to learn under Pisces - especially about the power of the subconscious. And, as we know, Neptune will go back and forth between Pisces and Aries for a while, returning us to the Pisces lesson before finally launching us into the Aries lesson for 14 years straight. So we will have a mix for a while.