Predictions for Sun in Pisces 2025
Astrologer Maureen Richmond, Ph.D.
The Sun enters Pisces on February 18 at 4:07 am CST, initiating a month-long attunement to the archetype of the Divine Fishes, the deep sea intuitives who in Greek myth presciently intercepted Aphrodite after her birth at sea and ushered the Goddess of Love and Beauty to safe harbor on dry land.
The Divine Fishes are known for their uncanny ability to know without being told. They are linked with the cosmic medium of space and tuned into the universal flow. The month-long experience of the Sun in Pisces therefore initiates us all into the greater psychic environment, amplifying psychic ability and opening doors to the vast unknown.
The advantages are many, but so are the challenges. Boundaries are permeable if not downright non-existent in the state of Pisces, not always a grand thing for living in the real world. Thus, under Pisces is often glimpsed the necessity of cultivating structure and definition, simply because these characteristics are often lacking under the amorphous, nebulous touch of Pisces, a mutable water sign known for its capacity to shape shift, adapt, or simply dissolve. Pisces 2025 is all that and more.
In addition to the over-arching impact of Piscean influence, several key astrological developments unfold during this period. The first concerns Mars, symbol of war, aggression, victory, and devastation.
Mars turns stationary direct on February 23 at 17 degrees of Cancer. Retrograde since December 6, 2024, Mars has been churning around in the home and domesticity sign of the Crab for the last two months, stirring up action and reaction in the patriotic Cancerian domains of home, family, group, and nation. On February 23, the retrograde Mars effect comes to an abrupt halt, shifting the direction of efforts and pursuits visibly.
Next, Venus turns stationary retrograde On March 1 at 11 degrees of Aries, signaling a shift of direction in the Venus-ruled areas of life, such as social connections, love, romance, sex, art, money, and diplomatic relations. Venus remains retrograde through April 12, 2024, making for a six-week period in which working relationships, alliances, and coalitions may be re-evaluated and perhaps even strengthened by returning to a home base of shared values.
To add to the mix, Mercury enters another retrograde period during Pisces of 2025.
While still direct in zodiacal motion, Mercury enters the degrees of the zodiac which will be affected by the upcoming retrograde period on March 1. Right then, the typical retrograde Mercury issues are likely to start cropping up in a mild form. Then, Mercury turns retrograde on March 15 at 1:46 am CST, bringing on changes of plans and outlooks in a more obvious and evident form. Mercury then remains retrograde for about 3 weeks, turning direct in zodiacal motion on April 7. Finally, Mercury exits the degrees of the zodiac affected by retrogradation on April 26.
All taken into consideration, this means that the period March 1 – April 26 is affected to one degree or another by alterations in plans, inclement weather, unexpected situations, fluctuating opinions and attitudes, disruptions of routines, complications in travel, equipment misbehaviors, and many other Mercurial tricks. This period is therefore not recommended for major medical procedures or for the purchase or installation of sensitive equipment.
At the same time, Pisces of 2025 constitutes the run-up to two powerful influences emanating from outer planet transits. On March 30, Neptune departs Pisces and enters Aries, shifting collective thought from a focus upon the image of the downtrodden, the defeated, and the victimized to a focus upon the image of vitality, energy, and the can-do spirit. This astrological happening is certain to correlate to a radical alteration in the atmosphere of all interactions, providing a fresh opportunity to address problems and develop solutions on the basis of capacity instead of assumed incapacity. For those who have felt marginalized, ignored, and undervalued during Neptune’s transit of Pisces for the last 16 years, this shift will offer an opportunity to move out of that zone and into something much more engaging. Addictions and other self-sabotaging behaviors associated with the negative face of Pisces will be far less in evidence. For all, the shift away from Pisces and into Aries indicates a decrease in emotional suffering and an increase in physical drive.
Opportunity really is the name of the game in this time pocket, for transiting Saturn and Uranus are shortly to form a precise sextile, doing so on April 4 at 25 degrees of Pisces and Taurus, respectively. Using a 2 degree orb, it is possible to see that this aspect will be in effect and hence palpable from early March through late April 2025, a two - month period which is sure to reflect the celestial harmonies operating through the Saturn-Uranus sextile. Strict Saturn symbolizes the establishment, while independent Uranus symbolizes the social critics, the rebels, the innovators, the disruptors of convention. The sextile brings these two very dissimilar facets of life together in creative interaction. The old listens to the new and vice versa. A constructive dialogue results, and mutually beneficial solutions emerge.
In plain language, this means that many encouraging developments will take place during the period of March - April 2025, bringing open minds, better discussions, offers of employment, evidence of understanding, and sure signs of inspiration. This is true even though Mercury and Venus will be retrograde during the same period.
Pisces 2025 therefore constitutes the on ramp to a significant positive turning point. That turning point will result from the combined effects of two major outer planet developments: 1) the entry of Neptune into spunky Aries in late March and 2) the sextile of Saturn and Uranus in early April.
So, the bottom line take away is as follows: Waste not your energies in the wailing and gnashing of teeth, as is so often driven by the excessive emotionalism of the water signs, two of which are so active in early 2025 with Mars in Cancer and Neptune still in the late degrees of Pisces. The energy soon shifts and there will be less inclination to collapse in despair. Solutions will of course still be needed throughout the world to address overwhelming problems, but the power and drive to do so will be bolstered by astrological energies coming soon. We should use them well.
Key Dates for Pisces 2025
Feb. 18……………..4:07 am CST, Sun enters Pisces.
Feb. 20……………..Mercury at 12 Pisces square Jupiter at 12 Gemini. Information proliferates. Discussions expand. Options multiply.
Feb. 23……………..Mercury at 17 Pisces trine Mars at 17 Cancer. Empathy works like a charm to bring perfect agreements into focus.
Feb. 23……………..Mars stationary direct, 8 pm CST. 2 ½ months of hesitation, uncertainty, and complications arising from past events begin to fade. Energy gets in gear. Forward motion holds appeal.
Feb. 24 – 25………..Mercury conjunct Saturn at 20 degrees of Pisces. Wet weather, snow, ice, cold conditions, and grey skies figure in to all plans and outlooks. Hard cold realities demand attention, but a focus on details and duties will bring good results.
Feb. 26 – 27………..Mercury at 24 Pisces sextile Uranus at 24 Taurus. Clever ideas appear in mind. Sudden solutions fall into place. Intuition and practicality converge. Understanding ignites grand perceptions even in regard to abstruse matters.
Feb. 27……………..New Moon, 6:45 pm CST, 10 degrees of Pisces. A new start in the realm of psyche and emotions unfolds.
Mar. 1………………Venus stationary retrograde at 11 Aries. Strong passions are out and about. Impulse beckons. Patience is needed.
Mar. 2………………Mercury conjunct Neptune at 29 degrees of Pisces. Imagination and intuition get a big boost. Dream images register strongly.
Mar. 2……………….Sun at 12 Pisces square Jupiter at 12 Gemini. Wind and words blow about wildly. Emotions loom large. Over-reactions tempt.
Mar. 3……………….Mercury enters Aries, 3:04 am CST, to stay through March 28. The pace quickens. Thought registers instantaneously.
Mar. 4 – 6……………Mercury at 3 degrees of Aries sextile Pluto at 3 degrees of Aquarius. Understanding of encompassing social dynamics is facilitated. Aha moments fall into place. Mind connections flourish.
Mar. 7 – 8…………….Sun at 18 degrees Pisces trine Mars at 18 degrees of Cancer. Emotional healing unfolds with little effort. Physical healing and improvements bring greater comfort of body and mind. Compatibility amongst persons shines through. Kind gestures bring relief and help.
Mar. 11 – 12………….Mercury conjunct retrograde Venus at 9 degrees of Aries. Odd coincidences crop up. Chance meetings bring important information and rekindle important social linkages. Insights pertaining to past events emerge. Freak weather events charge the atmosphere.
Mar. 11 – 12………….Sun conjunct Saturn at 22 degrees of Pisces. Sadness and remorse enter the picture. Losses must be faced, relinquishments made. Rest and replenishment are needed. Exhaustion weighs heavily.
Mar. 14……………….Sun at 24 degrees of Pisces sextile Uranus at 24 degrees of Taurus. A lighter moment intervenes. Compassion and innovation unite to create positive solutions for many. Artistic creativity is nurtured. Clever ideas abound. Individuality counts and gains notice.
Mar. 14……………….Full Moon, 1:55 am CST, Sun at 24 degrees of Pisces, Moon at 24 degrees of Virgo. A lunar eclipse intensifies all emotions, feelings, intuitions, sensations, and perceptions. Psychic perception under Pisces and intellect under Virgo pull and tug at one another until a synthesis is reached, embodying some of each.
Mar. 15………………..Mercury stationary retrograde, 1:46 am CST, 10 degrees Aries. Perceptions and intentions begin a 3-week process of shifting and changing.
Mar. 19 – 20…………..Sun conjunct Neptune at 29 degrees Pisces. Light is thrown on the nature of the subconscious and the images dwelling there.
Mar. 20……………….Sun enters Aries, 4:01 am CST. Aries Equinox. Ostara for Pagans. An energy portal opens allowing for connection with the mechanics driving the relationship of the Earth to the Sun. An attunement to the place of our planet in the solar system beckons.
Maureen Richmond is a counseling and research astrologer residing in rural western Arkansas. She has actively studied, taught, and counseled in astrology for more than forty years. Maureen holds a Ph.D. from Arkansas State University in Heritage Studies, a multidisciplinary field including history, historic preservation, folklore, and museum studies. She offers astrological consultations by phone and can be reached at
Thanks for all this. Very informative. As we've studied astrology around the same time frame, it resonates with me.
This is wonderful. Great points.