The Mars-Jupiter Conjunction of August 2024 and the Chart of Donald Trump
The Mars-Jupiter Conjunction of August 2024
and the Chart of Donald Trump
Astrologer Maureen Richmond, Ph.D.
In mid-August 2024, transiting Mars and Jupiter will conjoin astrologically at 17 degrees of Gemini. Exact on August 14 at 10:22 am CDT, the conjunction of Mars and Jupiter in the wordy, mental sign of Gemini is sure to stir up much debate, controversy, and contention. It is equally likely to instigate intellectual curiosity, an impetuous drive to educate and indoctrinate, and a feisty fury to gather and disseminate information.
With the rash bravado and hot temper of Mars fusing with the grandiosity and ego-inflation associated with Jupiter, the stage is set in mid-August for verbal confrontations of epic proportions, whether they take place on the national political stage, inside academia, on social media, or in everyday environments. Further, with the conjunction occurring in mutable air sign Gemini, this configuration will surely evoke all the classic issues of Gemini, including the restless, reactive, and easily distracted mind. Picture a digital devotee tuned into too many channels at one time, cruising along in mind space at somewhere near the speed of light.
Boredom and stasis are not likely to be problems in mid-August 2024, as is evident. Instead, mid-August is likely to be a bit of a powder keg. Even so, the situation is complicated by the fact that Saturn will sit at 18 degrees of Pisces in retrograde motion just as the Mars-Jupiter conjunction forms at 17 degrees of Gemini. There will thus result a three-body configuration, with Mars and Jupiter conjunct in Gemini, and both square to Saturn in Pisces. The impatience and impulsivity of the Mars-Jupiter conjunction will be frustrated and thwarted by the heavy hand of authoritative Saturn, making for many a psyche seething with reasons to strike out in resentment and desperation.
Note how it unfolds astrologically. The exact Mars-Jupiter conjunction occurs on August 14. The Mars-Saturn square is exact on August 16, followed by the Jupiter-Saturn square, exact on August 19. All considered with orbs allowed, the mid-August configuration results in a period of about 10 days in which the Mars-Jupiter conjunction sits square to Saturn. The dates affected are likely to cover the period August 12 – 22, 2024.
The Mars-Jupiter-Saturn hard angle is quite enough to generate discernible effects, but there is more. In the midst of this highly volatile period, the Full Moon occurs on August 19, with the Sun at 27 degrees of Leo and the Moon at 27 degrees of Aquarius. All of these impacts will combine to produce a period of time in which highly significant world events are certain to occur.
Such events will most assuredly involve the U.S. presidential candidate, Donald Trump, for placements in Trump’s natal chart tie directly into the major configurations in effect during the mid-August mash-up. With his natal Uranus placed at 18 degrees of Gemini and his natal Mars at 27 degrees of Leo, Trump stands to feel the mid-August 2024 planetary tension with intensity.
[Donald Trump: June 14, 1946, 10:54 am EDT, Queens, NY.]
Mars and Jupiter will be conjunct his natal Uranus, while Saturn will be precisely square his natal Uranus. In other words, Trump’s natal Uranus is under terrific tension during the mid-August period. When an individual’s Uranus is activated by transiting hard angle, events outside of the ordinary take place. Anomalies, surprises, departures from the norm, and quirky developments unfold. Many such happenings are sudden, catching one off guard and throwing one off balance. Radical alterations of circumstances intervene, oftentimes catapulting the individual into a higher orbit of activity. Unstable situations may demand the utmost in diplomacy. This is the case for Trump during this period.
Then the Full Moon axis gets in the action on August 19, with the Sun conjunct Trump’s natal Mars and the Full Moon precisely opposite his natal Mars. All the while, transiting Uranus is square Trump’s natal Mars, just as it was during the assassination attempt of July 14. In fact, Uranus will be even more tightly and precisely square Trump’s natal Mars in mid-August than it was in late July.
The axis of the Full Moon of August 19 is itself square natal Uranus, then to be located at 27 degrees of determined Taurus. With a T square in stubborn fixed signs, Uranian activation, and a hot Mars-Jupiter combo antagonized by repressive Saturn, the stage is set for decisive world events, to say the least. And these are the general transits, due to affect everyone worldwide.
In regard to Trump, it is notable that his natal Mars position is thus as wildly switched on in mid-August as will be his natal Uranus position. This combination is the very antithesis of serenity, calm, and order, tending instead to bring uproar, disruption, mayhem, urgency, emergency, sudden changes of course, and all manner of unnerving events. His fighting instinct will be on hyper-overdrive.
The implications scream that Trump is likely to be under serious tension in mid-August 2024. Is it possible for an individual to thrive under such influences? If anyone can, the irascible Trump would be that person. No matter what one’s opinion of his manner and policies may be, it must be allowed that Trump has demonstrated he can survive rough transits and jump up victoriously. Still, even some cats only have nine lives.
The mid-August period of 2024 is a key passage to watch and see what occurs with Donald Trump. His life is likely to take dramatic twists and turns during this period. Physical danger is not out of consideration. All presidential candidates are in the public eye and subject to such conditions, so this is no great surprise. It is obvious from the astrological indicators that his team should do all they can to protect him during this period. Violence is not an acceptable solution for political differences, no matter at whom it may be directed.
At the very least, Trump’s political fortunes are likely to rocket into stratospheric orbit during this period. It is strongly possible that he will pursue a vigorous speaking schedule, igniting his base as never before with high-powered rhetoric. As a garrulous, loquacious, and acerbic Sun sign Gemini, he can rightfully claim the gift of gab. With the intensive Gemini activation of mid-August 2024, it is likely his projection of power and self-definition will spew out directly through the medium of the word in public speaking venues. With Uranus involved by both transit and natal indications, the effect could be utterly electrifying.
A smashing Trump victory can’t be dismissed out of hand. Mid-August could hold the key to a vast acceleration of Trump’s influence and presence on the world stage. Let us watch and see.