Reflections on the Mars-Uranus Conjunction of Mid July 2024
Astrologer Maureen Richmond, Ph.D.
On July 15, transiting Mars and Uranus were precisely conjunct at 26 degrees of the sign of Taurus. The combination of contentious, rebellious, and inflammatory Mars, erratic Uranus, and the easily provoked and ferociously focused Taurean Bull has spawned a range of reactions in the human community and natural environment.
The most evident and obvious of these is the assassination attempt on U.S. presidential candidate, Donald Trump. On July 14, Trump was quite nearly fatally shot in the head by a twenty-year-old unknown. Only grazed by a bullet shot in his direction, Trump emerged with a bloody ear on the right side of the head and lived to continue quite handily with his political aspirations. In the days following, Trump received the formal nomination of the Republican National Convention. Even so, the shock and revulsion at the shooting turned up the heat in the current U.S. presidential election, bringing to light a number of factors which could very easily work to Trump’s advantage and Biden’s distinct disadvantage.
Then, a mere few hours after the exact conjunction of Mars and Uranus, chaos broke out during a White House Press Briefing. Biden’s press secretary came under intense questioning over the state of Biden’s mental and physical health. Reporters from numerous news organizations grilled the press secretary aggressively over her apparent attempt to conceal from the public the fact that Biden had been repeatedly evaluated by specialists in cognitive decline. The whole conversation in the press room degenerated into a shouting match, complete with accusations unsheathed of any pretention to civility.
Around the same period, massive wind and tornado damage struck the area of Chicago, IL. Almost half a million persons were affected by loss of electrical power service.
In more private environments, a range of circumstances reflective of the Mars-Uranus combination emerged. On the fractious side, arguments, declarations of independence, interpersonal tension and the like erupted. Feelings of restlessness, dissatisfaction with the status quo, desires for greater self-actualization, and general changes of heart and mind ran rampant through the human community. In addition, there were not a few health crises for pets and humans, minor irritations, bites, stings, burns, and various annoying physical discomforts. Sudden changes of circumstance, mechanical malfunctions, and kitchen uproars were common. On the more positive side, inventive ideas, discoveries about healing substances and nutritional cures, and important psycho-spiritual realizations also unfolded. Many experienced sharp changes of direction, motivation, and interest.
There can be no doubt that the Mars-Uranus conjunction of mid-July 2024 stirred up a storm of words, feelings, animosities, and whirling winds. Both the psychological and physical worlds clearly outpictured the nature of this astrological influence. However, the energies of Mars and Uranus combined in the sign of the Bull need not be exclusively destructive.
In the days ahead, it is important for one and all to look back at the days of July 13 – 16 to search for any breakthrough understanding which can be seized upon and worked with in the coming months. Amidst the hurt feelings, unrest, anger, disruption, and social polarization, there were deeper realizations which emerged. What might they be?
When operating constructively, the combination of Mars and Uranus points strongly in the direction of individual worth, right self-esteem, personal motivation, unique talent sets, self-actualization, and the drive for independence. The energies resulting from the Mars-Uranus conjunction need not explode in meaningless violence and aggression. For the thoughtful person, the Mars-Uranus conjunction might just as easily lead to life-changing insights and creative inspirations.
Thinking Joe may bow out by or during this weekend with the 29th degree full moon in Capricorn. 29th degree = endings, Capricorn = government, a full moon brings culmination, completion of events.
Thank you for all your fine astrological insights and excellent writing!