Key Dates for Sun in Scorpio 2024
Astrologer Maureen Richmond, Ph.D.
The Sun enters Scorpio on October 22 at 5:15 pm EDT, bringing a shift from the collaboration and social dynamics of air sign Libra to the depth contemplation, enhanced psychic sensitivity, and stunning paranormal potential of water sign Scorpio.
Several discernible trends stand out for the month of Scorpio.
1. October 23 – November 1 brings a pocket to time in which encouraging developments are likely. Mars makes a sextile to Uranus and a trine to Neptune, while Mercury trines Neptune as well, bringing people and ideas together in uplifting pursuits.
2. November 1 – 5 sees the opposition of Mars to Pluto, a critical point in the final days of Pluto’s presence in Capricorn. The implications of many long-term issues will be made blatantly obvious during this activation. Bottled up energies are likely to erupt in many locations. Danger is about in crowded places. These days will see decisive events, tending to point out the end of an era in which the financially privileged and exclusive ruled ruthlessly and unaccountably.
3. However, Nov. 7 – 15 presents certain challenges. Many may find the entry of Mercury into its shadow, Venus square Neptune, Venus in Capricorn, Mercury square Saturn, and a Saturn direct station all occurring one after another somewhat depressing. The Full Moon of November 15 is likely to intensify this feeling.
4. November 19 ushers in a major collective development when Pluto enters Aquarius to stay for almost 18 years. Gone will be the unrelenting emphasis on corporate power, governmental interference in financial matters, and crushing economic forces. A different note will sound, bringing an opportunity for intellectual freedom, association of like-minded individuals, and greater openness to the cosmic dimensions.
Here's how it all works out:
Oct. 22……….Sun enters Scorpio, 5:15 pm EDT. The collective mind is inundated with the impact of fixed water sign, Scorpio. The deeper emotions are stirred up and engaged; strong feelings sway the thinking of both groups and individuals for the next month. Emotions may be easily rankled or injured during this period as well. Suspicions, mistrust, and fears of betrayal nag at the mind. Even so, the potential for catharsis and renewal is strong. The spirit world comes nearer, just as expected during the quintessential Scorpio experience of All Hallow’s Eve and Samhain in the northern hemisphere.
Oct. 21 – 23……Sun at 29 degrees of Libra square Pluto at 29 degrees of Capricorn. Dramatic changes come into the picture. Inevitable recognitions and realizations surface and disturb the status quo, especially in the social zone. Individuals face clear indications that deleterious habits and behavior patterns should be eliminated. Obstacles enter the picture, the better to be conquered. Will power is necessary, as is persistence.
Oct. 21 – 23……..Mercury at 13 Scorpio trine Saturn at 13 Pisces brings a pocket in time during which rational thinking and solidly based decisions reveal the best path ahead. Information needed now comes into focus. Intuitive understandings prove relevant and correct.
Oct. 23 – 25…..Mars at 26 degrees of Cancer sextile Uranus at 26 degrees of Taurus. Creative ideas and innovative solutions improve the outlook. Home environments undergo alterations making the day to day schedule go more helpfully. Inspiration comes to leading thinkers, artists, inventors, and visionaries. Hopeful outlooks overcome recent concerns. Situations look up. Bright ideas bring sparkle and excitement to the moment.
Oct. 27 – 28…..Mars at 29 degrees of Cancer trine Neptune at 29 degrees of Pisces. Recent tensions dissolve. Solutions to problems manifest. A sense of relaxation washes over the world, especially for those willing to receive it. Music, dance, reverie, meditation, aquatic environments, and poetry bring peace and comfort. Stress levels drop.
Oct. 27 – 28…..Venus at 13 degrees of Sagittarius square Saturn at 13 degrees of Pisces. Caution and conservation of energy color the emotional and romantic scenes. Persons feel withdrawn, contemplative, less interactive than usual. Self-care and solitude are priorities. Coming at the end of the lunar cycle, this influence enhances the tendency to pull back within the self and disconnect from the busy pace of the outer world.
Oct. 29 – 31…..Mercury at 26 degrees of Scorpio opposite Uranus at 26 degrees of Taurus. Agitation makes an appearance. Inventors and creative types are energized and fitful. Everyone is keyed up. High levels of excitement and nerves figure in all situations. Sudden changes of plans upset many. Disputes may arise over money, sex, and power-sharing. Still, there is much potential for psychic and metaphysical revelation.
Oct. 30 – Nov. 1…..Mercury at 28 degrees of Scorpio trine Neptune at 28 degrees of Pisces. Intuition, psychic senses, and dream awareness are potent. Information needed from the unseen realms is provided through non-physical channels. Insights for emotional healing come through. Spiritual contact with the beloved dead is facilitated.
Nov. 1……………..New Moon, 7:47 am CDT, 10 degrees Scorpio. A new theme for thought and activity is born in the subconscious mind. For traditional Pagans, Samhain with its emphasis on the world of the Fae and of the Beloved Dead brings a note of serious reflection on life, death, power, and purpose.
Nov. 1 – 5…………Mars at 29 degrees of Cancer opposite Pluto at 29 degrees of Capricorn. The final stages of Pluto’s presence in Capricorn is sharply underscored by the urgency of Mars. Both the bad and the good of the Cancer-Capricorn axis emerges, revealing both respect for tradition and problematic attachment to the past. Stubborn, underhanded power tactics come out in the open. Unworkable situations are revealed. The need for cleaning out trash in the psyche and in the environment becomes painfully evident. Frustrations bubble over. Violence is all too likely in pressured urban environments. For some, the power of ancestry, heritage, and tradition count for much, providing roots and foundations.
Nov. 1 – 2…………Mercury at 29 degrees of Scorpio trine Mars at 29 degrees of Cancer. The 29 degree positions indicate that final stages of processes are now reached, with loose ends being tied up and concluding efforts falling into place. Successful communication and manual dexterity combine to win the day. Business connections flourish. Understandings formulate quickly, enabling positive forward motion. Progress is aided.
Nov. 2……………2:18 pm CDT, Mercury enters philosophical and intellectual Sagittarius, there to stay through January 8, 2025. The two-month period of Mercury’s presence in the sign of the traveling Archer includes a Mercury retrograde period from late November through mid-December, making holiday travel a bit of a tangled affair. Still, for the next two months, Mercury in Sagittarius will incline the mind toward learning, publishing, mind-travel, projection of the self to distant locations by magical means, and expansion of perspective.
Nov. 2 – 4………..Venus at 20 degrees of Sagittarius opposite Jupiter at 20 degrees of Gemini. Expansion of social territory drives travel, international conversations, and efforts made reaching out to distant audiences and correspondents. Going to extremes comes easily. Excess and overdoing tempt at the table and in the stores, but should be tempered. Large expenditures for books, travel, and knowledge resources occur.
Nov. 3……………2:00 am CDT. End Daylight Savings Time and begin Standard Time.
Nov. 3……………Mars enters Leo, 10:10 CST, there to stay through January 6, 2025. The next two months contain an emphasis on bold efforts, personal motivation, the showcasing of talent, artistic expression, and the overcoming of fears. Love and romance receive a boost. Expressions of love and affection take the form of dramatic declarations and lavish gifts.
Nov. 3 – 4……….Sun at 13 degrees of Scorpio trine Saturn at 13 degrees of Pisces. A two-day period of psychic balance and emotional peace settles in. Here is a window of opportunity for contemplation, ritual, and centering.
Nov. 7……………Mercury at 6 degrees of Sagittarius enters the shadow period preparatory to the retrograde period. Events and processes begin to show signs of slowing down. Complications enter the picture. Plans begin to change for the upcoming holidays. Routines and schedules are temporarily disrupted. A degree of mental disorientation results.
Nov. 8 – 10………Venus at 27 degrees of Sagittarius square Neptune at 27 degrees of Pisces. Emotional hypersensitivity may lead to wild over-reactions. Matters of the heart may not be entirely clear. Fogs and mists in the world and in the mind may veil the simple truth. Structure and self-discipline are needed but may be in short supply. Misunderstandings make for socially awkward situations. Sadness and hurt feelings hold down the vibe.
Nov. 11………….Venus enters Capricorn, there to stay through December 6. For the next three weeks and some, a tendency to love work and productivity causes a shift in emphasis. Rewards come from efforts invested during this period. A valuing of success and attainment reigns. Practicality and circumspection take the place of passion and spontaneity for a while. Planning and precision matter now.
Nov. 11 – 12……..Mercury at 13 degrees of Sagittarius square Saturn at 13 degrees of Pisces. Delays enter the picture and complicate travel plans. Downcast feelings may result. Disappointments loom large for the moment. Back to the drawing board is the saying. Tenacity is required.
Nov. 13…………..3:28 am CST, five-day Full Moon period begins. The pace of events accelerates and manifestations begin to take shape.
Nov. 15…………..Saturn stationary direct, 8:20 am CST. Serious concerns and commitments take center stage. Decisions must be made. Restrictions of emotion figure large. Laws and authorities put up blocks. Adaptation is necessary. Voluntarily scaling back to a manageable position will help.
Nov. 15…………..Full Moon, 3:28 pm CST. Sun 24 Scorpio, Moon 24 Taurus. Trends set in place at New Moon on November 1 come to fruition. Much is revealed. Psychic power is at a high point. Emotions are intense.
Nov. 15 – 17……..Sun at 25 degrees Scorpio opposite Uranus at 25 degrees Taurus. Creativity is stimulated, but erratic actions and sudden changes in personalities and environing circumstances upset the applecart. Discoveries may be made. Unexpected developments bring surprise and alteration of outlook.
Nov. 18………….3:28 am CST, five-day Full Moon period ends. Full Moon revelations, insights, inspirations, and manifestations are now complete. Energy begins to settle and wind down. Emotions become less intense.
Nov. 19………….2;29 pm CST, Pluto enters Aquarius to stay for almost 18 years, representing a major shift in collective focus and world trends. Whereas Pluto in Capricorn featured the power of the elite, the exclusive, and the officially approved, Pluto in Aquarius will feature independence of thought, cooperation of likeminded, forward-looking persons, and the capacity to subvert or get around blocks thrown up by ruling corporate interests.
Nov. 21…………..Sun enters Sagittarius, 1:56 pm CST, to stay through December 20.
Preview of Sun in Sagittarius 2024
Nov. 20 – 22……..Sun at 0 Sagittarius sextile Pluto at 0 degrees Aquarius. A vision of new territory ahead suggests emerging social and intellectual connections in groups and organizations.
Nov. 21 – 23……..Venus at 13 degrees of Capricorn sextile Saturn at 13 degrees of Pisces. Calm reason helps relationships and families find stability. Good business connections are made. Shoppers find bargains.
Nov. 25…………..8:42 pm CST, Mercury turns retrograde at 23 degrees of Sagittarius. Three weeks of altered outlook now begin. Changes in plans due to educational programs and international events begin to unfold.
Dec. 6 - 7……….Mars turns retrograde, Neptune turns direct.
Excellent post. Thank you for the update.
Many Blessings. 🤟❤️✌️