An Astrological Joy Ride: April 2025 – June 2028
Astrologer Maureen Richmond, Ph.D.
The Background
A look cast back at recent world history reveals that the trials and tribulations imposed by the severe Capricorn emphasis during the year 2020 have indeed left their mark. While Saturn, Jupiter, and Pluto were conjunct in the sign of the materialistic, authoritarian, sometimes heartless, and often ambitious Goat, suffering raged. National economies, the trust between populations and their governments, organizational reputations, and even personal social connections were all affected. Most were irreparably damaged by the gleaming hooks and sharp teeth of a false proposition dangled before the world like a tantalizing chocolate cupcake hiding a poison dart.
Then in 2021 followed the squares of Jupiter and Saturn in mass-oriented Aquarius to Uranus in financially oriented Taurus, another destabilizing influence which brought brutal attempts to force the world’s population into unwanted medical treatments, heinous passport requirements, and divisive social policies, all to bolster the already gargantuan profit margins of the ever-voracious pharmaceutical industry. The negative face of Aquarius expressing as relentless social pressure designed to force conformity showed itself the world around, with self-righteous mainstream media and politicians virulently denouncing those who had the temerity to question the highly experimental injections already merrily purchased from the salivating wolves over at the pharma industry.
The combination of the ruthless Capricorn conjunctions in 2020 and the socially discordant Saturn-Uranus square of 2021 added up to a terrific one-two punch. Careers and educational plans were upended as governments, employers, and schools insisted that all submit to an experimental injection, forcing the thoughtful and watchful to run for their lives. Incomes, assets, and plans for happy futures fell by the wayside like so many dead flies, discarded as useless detritus in the new medical authoritarianism to which the world had seemingly succumbed. Medical patients were tragically lost to shabby treatments mandated by forces promoting covid injections as the only cure. Sadness and sorrow racked the world. The bad side of Capricorn stalked the land.
Further, the policies implemented under the configurations of 2020 and 2021 resulted in a tragic but lucrative polarization of the world’s people, a false dichotomy deliberately created by a money-hungry pharmaceutical cartel working in lockstep with a power-mad global cabal. The resulting draconian impositions and incursions into civil liberties split the world’s people against themselves. On one side it was the complicit and trusting, while on the other, it was the skeptical, who cast a wary eye on the blithe pronouncements of the governments and pharmaceutical company representatives.
In plain words, this means that the Capricornian machinations devised to weaken the world’s people with the covid scam worked rather well. Capricorn in its worst face manifests as a cold and ruthless obsession with power and control over others. The worst face of Aquarius, in which sign Saturn and Jupiter transited during 2021, is equally problematic, expressing as a social regimentation enforced by herd behavior. The cold side of Capricorn and regimented side of Aquarius combined to create a world in which those who preferred to think for themselves in matters of medical treatment were abruptly excluded - excommunicated from employment, education, social interaction, transportation, and more.
However, the world patient ultimately discovered the faulty diagnosis, and has been in increasingly outraged recovery ever since. As the influence of the intense Capricorn conjunctions has faded, populations the world around have been shocked to discover the injections were neither effective nor safe, the social distancing neither well-thought out nor necessary, the forced use of masks of no real value, and the vicious denunciation of more informed neighbors and loved ones a deeply regrettable mistake.
The steel vise grip of the Capricorn transits and the rabid social anger of the Saturn-Uranus square now long past, the world situation is changing. Lawsuits and legislation driven by popular sentiment have increasingly turned back the covid authoritarianism. Yet, the distrust spawned by mandates and insensitive policies the world around has left a bad taste in the mouths of the public. The result is a foreboding, restive outlook for the future, one darkened by the memories of 2020 and 2021, when freedom lovers battled police in the streets of Australia, Europe, and elsewhere over rights to enjoy sunshine and nature, the greatest of healing modalities.
The Joy Ride Ahead
By contrast, the years 2025, 2026, 2027, and 2028 promise what might rightly be called an astrological joy ride. For starters, nothing like the Capricorn impact of 2020 enters the picture over the course of these next four years. Whereas Saturn was conjunct nefarious Pluto back then, it will not be in the next four years. In fact, Saturn will conjunct idealistic Neptune in early 2026 in the spunky sign of Aries, a very different condition from that of the Saturn conjunction of 2020 in stern and foreboding Capricorn. The stage is therefore not set for a repeat of the stringent government restrictions on everything from restaurant dining to international travel, such as were imposed in 2020 and 2021. Instead, the stage is set for the idealization and promotion of individual worth, effort, and attainment. That’s one significant difference between the covid era and the years now ahead.
However, that’s not all the years ahead have to offer. In fact, an extraordinary assemblage of outstandingly harmonious celestial influences comes to bear in the years 2025 – 2028. Pluto, Neptune, Uranus, and Saturn will all move into signs compatible with each other, hailing an extraordinary 3 ½ year period characterized by widespread opportunities, cooperation, greater insight, progress in human understanding, and many other benefits of importance and relevance to all.
Conditions were deeply demoralizing for many in 2020 and 2021. The concerns from that period still colored the outlook in 2023 and 2024. But in 2025, that situation begins to change distinctly for the better.
Neptune enters Aries in late May 2025, signaling the impending conclusion of a 16-year fascination with victimization, blame gaming, and gullibility which seemed to be the order of the day while Neptune was in downtrodden Pisces. Neptune in Pisces did bring a greater and welcome emphasis on sensitivity to the needs of the marginalized, but it also brought a collective tendency to idolize the condition of dependency, as seen in the current U.S. fashion to spend large amounts of public money on illegal immigrants instead of upon the needy of our own nation. In May of 2025, this tendency shifts toward the valuing of individual initiative, effort, and accomplishment, all virtues of Aries.
That’s just the beginning. Saturn in Pisces makes a sextile to Uranus in Taurus in early April 2025, then again in early August 2025 with Saturn in Aries and Uranus in Gemini, and then for third time in late January 2026, again with Saturn in Pisces and Uranus in Taurus. This means that the tensions, frustrations, and disagreements of the Saturn-Uranus square in 2022 reach a very acceptable resolution as persons find workable methods for earning a living, pursuing independent livelihoods, using creativity, and integrating new methods into creative and scientific processes. The dire economic consequences of the covid closings and employment denials will begin to fade into memory as new conditions of opportunity and success enter the picture. Economic recovery will be facilitated.
Uranus then enters into a sextile relationship with Neptune, exact in late August 2025 with Uranus in Gemini and Neptune in Aries, then again in late November with Uranus in Taurus and Neptune in Pisces, in mid-July 2026 with Uranus in Gemini and Neptune in Aries, and finally in mid-January 2027 with Uranus in Gemini and Neptune in Aries, making the period August 2025 through January 2027 an interval of extraordinary opportunity for the discovery and expression of genius, artistic ability, musical expertise, and creativity of all kinds, the forming of cooperative agreements, the showcasing of talents, and in general a congenial and inspiring environment built on an outgoing, can-do spirit. Writers and content creators will have a hey-day, as will journalists and the like. The depressing censorship imposed during covid and fought thereafter will be very much held in abeyance. Freedom of thought and inquiry will become a major priority with Uranus in Gemini. Information previously withheld from the public will come forth.
Next, Uranus makes the trine to Pluto, doing so five times over the years of 2026, 2027, and 2028. Uranus in Gemini trines Pluto in Aquarius in mid-July 2026, late November 2026, mid-June 2027, mid-January 2028, and mid-May 2028, making the period July 2026 through May 2028 an outstanding interval for international cooperation, group understanding, advancement of learning and education, progress in literary endeavors, forward movement in scientific research, and general opportunity for communication and the sharing of valuable information. All human endeavors will go more smoothly as a result, and the free flow of information will be allowed – a great contrast to the suppression of free speech which took place in 2020, 2021, and 2022.
In 2026, Neptune gets into the act, making a sextile to Pluto in Aquarius five times over the years 2026 through 2028. Neptune in Aries is exactly sextile Pluto in Aquarius in late July 2026, mid-September 2026, late June 2027, mid-October 2027, and early June 2028, making the period July 2026 through June 2028 an interval of astounding opportunities for the advancement of individual creativity, independence of thought and action, the contribution of the individual to society, the increase of individual worth, and for ease in making progress in entrepreneurial undertakings. New concepts from distant horizons are likely to enrich life here on Earth. Contact with distant planetary and stellar neighbors is likely.
Other harmonious aspects made by Jupiter and Saturn enter the picture as well during this period, but the prime movers are Saturn sextile Uranus, Uranus sextile Neptune, Uranus trine Pluto, and Neptune sextile Pluto. These long-lasting and repeating harmonious aspects of the outer planets promise to deliver world conditions which will bring restitution for the losses and sorrows of the three-year period of the covid scamdemic. Those needing work will be able to find it. Artists needing financial backing will find their patrons. The arts and entertainment industries will bounce back. Human relations will be soothed such that those of like mind may again find comity and civil discourse. Governmental systems built on the concealment of truth and relevant information from the public will find this an uncongenial environment for their purposes. The day of free sharing of thought and information will again dawn on our planet.
Again, the key opportunity period is April 2025 through June 2028, an astrological joy ride if ever there was one. Not in recent history have so many positive and supportive planetary aspects clustered in such a short time. A renaissance of art, the search for truth, open discourse, the appreciation of true talent, and positive human connections is on the way.
If any of us has a cherished goal to achieve, we should know that this can be done within this period. The closed doors, rejections, defeats, and refusals of the covid era will not be sustained during this period. The dark days of economic collapse for America will pass, as the Pluto return of the nation comes to a close when Pluto enters Aquarius to stay in late November 2024.
While it is true we must never abandon our vigilance for freedom of thought and action, it is also true that a day comes soon when the beauty of freedom shall stand revealed for all to see. Freedom of the spirit is the domain of the fire and air signs Aries, Gemini, and Aquarius, the signs in which the outer planets will transit over the period of the next few years. Look to April 2025 for the first hints of this shift, and then to the following three years for an even more dramatic statement in that direction.
Here comes an astrological joy ride few thought possible just a few months ago. It's April 2025 through June 2028. Be ready to ride the wave of opportunity to the accomplishment of your incarnational objectives.
I have Mercury 0° Leo, so I am definitely looking forward to all the outer planets early in Fire and Air as a writer.
Thank you for showing how hopeful it will soon be.♥️